put to use - definitie. Wat is put to use
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Wat (wie) is put to use - definitie

Putting to sleep; Put to sleep (disambiguation)

put option         
European put option; Put options; American Put Option; European put; Long put; Short put
¦ noun Stock Exchange an option to sell assets at an agreed price on or before a particular date.
Put option         
European put option; Put options; American Put Option; European put; Long put; Short put
In finance, a put or put option is a financial market derivative instrument that gives the holder (i.e.
Greenspan put         
  •  access-date=25 November 2020}}</ref>
Bernanke put; Fed put; The "Greenspan Put"; Greenspan boom; Alan Greenspan's monetary policies; Powell put; Yellen put; Powell bubble
The Greenspan put was a monetary policy response to financial crises that Alan Greenspan, former chair of the Federal Reserve, exercised beginning with the crash of 1987. Successful in addressing various crises, it became controversial as it led to periods of extreme speculation led by Wall Street investment banks overusing the put's repurchase agreements (or indirect quantitative easing) and creating successive asset price bubbles.


Put to sleep

The term "put to sleep" may refer to:

  • anesthesia
  • animal euthanasia
  • Actually helping something go to sleep
Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor put to use
1. aren't being put to use.
Reap the Forgotten Harvest _ Remi Kapo _ Talks at Google
2. around financial sustainability put to use.
A Thousand Hills to Heaven - Love, Hope, and a Restaurant in Rwanda _ Josh Ruxin _ Talks at Google
3. And one tool that has been put to use
Rigor Mortis _ Richard Harris _ Talks at Google
4. And all those tubes have been put to use already.
High-impact Travel _ Alison Bing _ Talks at Google
5. who could be put to use actually accessing
Reap the Forgotten Harvest _ Remi Kapo _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor put to use
1. Sharks died, yes, but not too many, and the entire animal was put to use.
2. All attempts towards negotiations and conciliation will be put to use.
3. Sixty–eight percent said what‘s discussed is rarely put to use in implementing their employer‘s mission.
4. The students traveled through Russia to see the bells being put to use in churches.
5. We must put to use the interim national constitution and all the details it entails.